Portuguese as a Second Language Course

2023/2024 calendar

1st semester:

October 3rd, 2023 to january 16th 2024
Registrations are open until September 18th

2nd semester:

February 23rd to May 22nd, 2024
Registrations are open until January 8th

Schedule (flexible): tuesdays and thursdays, from 4pm to 6pm
Location: School of Arts and Humanities  of the University of Lisbon
Workload: 52 hours (6 ECTS) per semester
Tuition fee: 350€ per semester
Recipients: Speakers of Portuguese as a second language, from African countries whose official language is Portuguese.

This course aims to deepen students' knowledge of the structure and functioning of the Portuguese language, as well as to develop their skills in terms of writing and speaking. On the one hand, linguistic knowledge already acquired will be mobilized and, through reflective practice, its appropriate uses will be analyzed. On the other hand, other aspects considered essential for a good command of the language will be introduced. Simultaneously, different text types and genres will be worked on, reflecting on its construction.

General information:
The organization of classes will take into account the characteristics of the audience and the specific context to which it applies.

To obtain the certificate and respective ECTS, students must attend at least 75% of classes.

The course will only work if there are a minimum number of 8 students.

Registration (documents to forward to ICLP):
- Registration form (available HERE and at the ICLP administrative services)
- Photocopy of the identification document
- A passport-type photo
- Payment of the 350€ tuition fee by bank transfer to the following account (provide proof):
IBAN: PT 50 0035 0824 0000 7647 2305 9
Bank Account Holder: Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (ADFLUL).