ICLP modernizes registration process

The Instituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa (ICLP) has modernized the registration process for Portuguese Language courses. Registrations for the Summer Courses are open and new applicants can now easily register, through a dedicated digital platform.

This change to an online registration system was carefully planned to offer a more convenient and effective experience. With the new digital platform, candidates can register, fill in their details, and choose the desired courses. Soon they will also be able to make payments quickly and securely, with just a few clicks. This new system allows for more efficient management by the ICLP team, ensuring a swift and immediate process.

Although this new system is quite intuitive, ICLP has prepared a detailed Guideline for Users on its website. It provides a clear and concise step-by-step to assist users at each stage of the registration process, from creating an account on the platform to later checking enrollment. Through this tool, the Institute aims to assist interested parties with any questions that may arise.

With this modernization of the registration process, ICLP reaffirms its commitment to offering quality and accessible education to all who wish to improve their knowledge of the Portuguese language.

Summer courses are scheduled for July, August, and September. These are monthly courses, lasting 80 hours, and run 5 days a week in the morning at the Faculty of Letters of ULisboa.

For more information registrations, visit the Portuguese as a Foreign Language Summer Courses page.